I picked up the reading habit very late but gradually grew comfortable with the idea of being witness to Zoya's romance with a cricketer or a chinese couple's loveless yet a strong relationship that translated into a arduous battle for survival. I am pretty naive as to make a purchase decision based on the author's name that appears on the cover. Actually, I don't know that many names from the literary world. So, more often than not I pick up a novel going by the brief that appears at the back. It is the safest option for a reader like me. Ofcourse, I cannot deny the fact that I had purchased a few novels purely because the graphics on the cover were "interesting".
Nevertheless, this post is not about what I like to read and what I don't. I just wanted to put it across to you that we often do pick up a book at its face value without having any clue about the 300 odd pages that wait for our attention. It is like judging a movie by its preview and we all know how often we have been taken for a ride. But, the adage still enjoys a nice little space in our grammer books...."DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER".
In reality though, our behaviour is contrary and we always form an opinion about any damn thing at the first sight. Sometimes our hunch is right and at other instances, we are miserably off the mark and left in the lurch to eat our own words. What do we learn out of such instances, WE DON'T CARE AND WE WILL CONTINUE TO BE JUDGEMENTAL.
Let me come to the point and explain the actual reason behind this blog. The three paragraphs that you have just read doesn't imply that the idea came late. It is just that I thought strategic delay might increase the curiosity factor provided you have survived through the words already before you. Hello, are you still there???????
I always preferred short cropped hair to the dreadful curls that I had a few years back. It seemed I always carried high tide on my head. Not knowing how to swim meant that there was always a case for drowning. I saved myself of water and of a few bucks by going for a near bald look. My visits to saloon were reduced and the investment in comb ceased to exist. It was after I joined the Bank that I thought the Bengali should turn French and here I am carrying that look ever since. But, the new look seems to have altered my character as evident from a few incidents off late.
Firstly, I was caught and apprehended by Punjab Police for suspicious movements. I was just waiting for a friend of mine outside the Training Academy. Police came and saw me standing with a duffel bag and as usual made their JUDGEMENT. To put it on record, I was neither arrested nor abused in any way. Infact, I was happy to note their pro-activeness. But little did I know that this judgement would start transforming into a popular sentiment soon. A couple of weeks back, I was in Delhi waiting in the queue for Metro. A woman JUDGED me and this time I was branded a "Pocketmaar". Thank God, she was not loud with her apprehensions. But I could not resist and burst into laughter at this. The man accompanying the lady was visibly embarassed and apologised. I again blamed the poor judgemental skills of the lady and moved on. Afterall, I knew that I had a good credibility atleast in my friends and family circle if not any where else. Nevertheless, I saw the funny side of it and got into the train. A few days later, I was at a multiplex in Bangalore and I was at the receiving end of such judgement but this time from two beautiful angels. They were seated in such a way that one of them would have been sitting beside me. But, the moment they noticed me they exchanged their seats and I found myself enjoying the movie with an uncle beside me for the entire length of the movie. Now, this was the last thing I wanted to happen to this aspirational bachelor. However, I would not have noticed my neighbours if the swap had not happened right in front of me. I REALLY MEAN IT!!!!
My father had failed to recognise me at the airport and my parents had reservations about this look since then. Now, I know that they had understood that this look might get them only Monas and Tinas as their bahu (with due respect to all the girls by those names). As for me I do wonder at times that whether Osama would have been a Saint without a beard. Vijay Mallya is still the king of good times inspite of his French beard. Ayan is still the "Goody Goody" Ayan irrespective of his beard or his hair do.
I would be a hypocrite if I conveniently ignore the fact that I do JUDGE as well. Hence, I will try to not judge people henceforth based on how they appear and hope that I am not JUDGED either. And if at all some one judges me, let their be a favourable judgment and I end up as the beneficiary. This is important for all the barbers who have a hard time when I visit them.
To conclude, ignore what I just promised as we will continue to judge the book by its cover and all that crap about not being judgemental is a sheer lie. Hoping for the best, crucial times are coming I guess. Deadline is fast approaching and time is running out. Character endorsements...any one??????
Its time for my favourite book now....FACEBOOK!!!!!
Hope in your case first impression is not the last Impression :P